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Writer's pictureandrew murphy

What came first?

Do you start with your dreams fueled by all the pretty pictures?

Or do you start with the mimitations of where you have to grow?

You have to start some where and if you buy all those wonder full seeds you can always find another pot..

While I will never have the room I would like to I do have enough to cover most of my dreams.

Now is the time to think about you growing plans for the comming year.

If you are goging to try and get a jump on the growing season you can start you seeds indoors.

Here is a link to a caculator I use to plant my inddor planting scheadule.

They are also one of my go to sources for seeds on line.

To be honest I will always take the risk and begin a week or two earlyer. There are always still seeds in the pack to replace the plants lost to that unex[ected late frost and to teach me the error of my ways until I forget it for the next spring season.

The next post will cover the key things you need to address to sucessfully start seeds indoors and have healthy plants to move out side.

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